my composition and rhetoric blog.
fall 2002.

september 16, 2002- 3:41pm

so, I guess I won't be in class on Wednesday. Got my homework together, though... still unsure about this book review. Need to let it simmer in my head more. I feel like I am going to be evaluating blogging and not the book. eek. Or I'll just summarize too much. Need to go and print off the JIME evaluation form. That will help me A LOT.

september 15, 2002- 7:32pm

Should this book review be done in blog style since it's about blogging? Probably NOT because that is alternative.. not traditional like they would be looking for.



NTS: Notes to Self.

Evaluate more than Summarize.

Remember to evaluate the BOOK and not Blogging= this will be tough.

-The usefulness of the handbook, summary of contents, how helpful for first-time bloggers -> experienced bloggers, how insightful (psychology)/informative, how defintive...

-My conclusions will probably all be positive since she's written the first handbook- it's insightful instead of repetitive (like We've Got Blog can be to experienced bloggers)..

-Evaluate as an Educational Tool/ as Journalism/ as Personal Tool/ as Media Tool/ as Research Tool..




"I hope this book will provide you with the inspiration and practical advice you need to do so. If you already maintain a weblog, I hope that The Weblog Handbook will provide you with new ways of looking at your weblog and the community of which you are a part."

Rebecca Blood does just that. Her book is based mostly on personal experience, as is my review since I am a blogger myself.

[quick summary of entire book]

Weblogs... [defintion]

Evaluation of it's use for a general reader, first-time blogger, and experienced blogger.

This book in education? As new journalism? As a basic handbook?


Tying the media, or the internet for that matter, down into basic pieces can be/is a difficult task. Especially turning out those parts with boundaries attached. Rebecca Blood takes one area, and does just that. And it's not a matter of deciding whether she is successful, it is more of a question of for what disciplines will this handbook work for? Who does she succeed for?


She pushes weblogging into a definition, into it's own codes of ethics, into... but can this handbook be pushed onto students in the classroom successfully? Is it truly a handbook? While teaching a class using blogging, I find this handbook to be excellent for the first-time user (the student) as well as the experienced user (teacher). I'll layout the handbook contents and evaluate why the book, when turned into the classroom, is useful also.



Connecting this handbook to practical usage of weblogs and weblogging is one way to evaluate. Another would be pertaining it towards the educational arena.

How would this handbook work in a class that was testing or just utilizing blogging? Would it be as useful the first-time blogger (the student, most likely) as well as the experienced blogger (the teacher)?

In viewing this handbook from that perspective, I plan to lay out it's ability and use in the classroom. Is it truly a hands-on handbook? Something that will accompany the students easily in front of the computer screen?



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