SLUG: Sex and power



14 Sept 04

Sybil Priebe

Opinion Editor


In loo of searching out a new sex columnist, I thought I would take it upon myself to write my very own version of a Òsex column.Ó The particular topic of this column connects to the thought we have deep and dark in the back of our minds: In a sexual relationship or  non-sexual relationship, who has Òthe power?Ó


ItÕs no secret to those close to me, that I was a virgin for a very long time. Years back, I blamed it on the fear I had of the wrath I would endure from my parents if I had ever got pregnant. I also blamed it on my religion. But, in reflecting, I think the real reason was that I didnÕt want anyone to have that power over me. I didnÕt want to be another notch on someoneÕs bed post (and, sadly, I did date someone like that in high school). It wasnÕt that I didnÕt want the stigma of being a Òslut,Ó I didnÕt want to succumb to peer pressure.


So, the reason I write this column isnÕt to get people to have sex, but rather, to think about the hidden power beneath it all.


My first point, and a small one at that, relates to the language we use regarding sex. When we talk about sex, we sometimes use the verb ÒscrewingÓ among other colorful words. Now, does that word have an underlying tone of power? Of course. Who is going to ÒscrewÓ who over?


Secondly, many people use sex as a substitution for money or success. ÒWorking your way up the corporate ladderÓ sometimes means using the power of sex to get what you want. Also, I know of people who have a plan Z in their brains for financial help: ÒIf I canÕt make ends meet someday, IÕll strip.Ó A naked body = priceless, but powerful.


Thirdly, weÕve all heard: ÒYou are so much better than him.Ó I caught a ÒThat 70s ShowÓ epsiode the other day, and Kelso was talking with his posse about how having good looks equalled so many points, how having money equalled another amount of points, etc. I know I am guilty of adding up how many power points I have held in comparison to the person I was dating. Granted, I usually came out with the losing amount of points (being a teacher doesnÕt help in the money category, plus in our society if a woman has money that may equal negative points), but I know people who have thought: ÒWell, I can get someone better. He/she doesnÕt even have (fill in the blank).Ó That may not seem like a power move, but if you think you are better than someone else, you will more than likely feel more powerful in that relationship.


Lastly, we all know about Òthe game.Ó Some of the rules of the dating game are 1) donÕt call him/her, let them call you, 2) play hard-to-get, 3) let he/she say ÒI love youÓ first, etc (the list goes on forever). All of these rules and games we play, lead someone to being the winner or the one with power. ÒThe ball is in his court now, let him decide.Ó ÒIf you say, ÔI love youÕ first, you allow him to be in control.Ó