"Assembling a Toolkit for 21st Century Literacy."

Personal blogging is almost a cottage industry, especially among young people who make a habit of reading other people's blogs much as their elders peruse magazines and newspapers. Hyperlinks to online resources surrounded by fresh, personal commentary are evolving into a specialized Web publishing for, one no other medium can replicate. (Walker)

What is a school? It's a place where we blind, fold the young, plug their ears, and encapsulate them in heavy plastic. Then we are perplexed when they behave like strangers in a strange and hostile world. (Levinson)


Instructors: Dr. Kevin Brooks, Cindy Nichols, and Sybil Priebe


Term: Fall 2002: Brooks- 2 pm MWF, Nichols- 8 am MWF/11 am MWF, Priebe 8 am TR/ 9:30 am TR


Course Description: This is a computer, Internet, and new media-centered writing course. Students will read arguments and reports about the future of literacy (reading, writing, research, thinking) and will be encouraged to talk with local, national, and perhaps international literacy experts about their views.

*Possible questions to be answered.

*Possible activities.


Objectives: To develop strong reading skills (through a variety of print and online material), strong research skills (understanding how search engines work, using databases on the web, etc.), and strong writing skills (through introduction to a variety of brainstorming and prewriting activities as well as summary and paraphrasing skills, awareness of audience, clear thesis, argumentation, and organization.).


Rough Schedule: Unit One: Weblogs- what's the use?, Unit Two: Assembling a 21st Century toolkit., Unit Three: Self in the Information Age.














Reading List:

How to get started blogging: www.xanga.com/teacher47

*Alden, Chris. "It's as Easy as Falling Off a Weblog." Guardian Unlimited. October 5, 2000. http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,377337,00.html. Accessed May 20, 2002.

*Alvermann, Donna E., and Heron, Alison H. "Literacy Identity Work: Playing to Learn with Popular Media." 45.2 Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy (Oct. 2001): 118.

*Barrett, Cameron. "More About Weblogs." Camworld.com. www.camworld.com/journal/rants/99/05/11.html 11 May 99. 17 Apr 02.

*Battey, Jim. "Weblogs mix creative expression with practical information." Infoworld.com. 01 Nov 99. 17 Apr. 02.

*Blood, Rebecca. "Weblogs: A History and Perspective." Rebecca's Pocket www.rebeccablood.net 07 Sept 00. 07 Apr 02.

*Dvorak, John C. "The Blog Phenomenon." PC Magazine. Feb 5, 2002. Accessed May 20, 2002.

*Grohol, John M. "Psychology of Weblogs." Psych Central. http://psychcentral.com/blogs/ Written in Sept 1998/Updated April 2001. 15 Apr 02.

*Gergen, Kenneth J. "The Self in the Age of Information." The Washington Quarterly 23.1 (2000) 201-214. Online: Project Muse. Accessed May 20, 2002.

Related, Interesting, Fun Links:

*Fanatical Apathy: http://home.earthlink.net/~adameft/blogger.html [entries April 4,2002 and April 1,2002 are GREAT!]

*Ten Tips for a Firmer, Slimmer, Sexier Weblog! Http://www.metascene.net/bionic.html [caution on language content]

*For the Starting-Out-Scared Weblogger: (with links to really cool bloogers too) http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,377337,00.html

*Weblog Junior High: www.wrongwaygoback.com/wjh/

*An Incomplete Annotated History of Weblogs: www.chymes.org/hyper/weblogs.html

*Journal vs. Weblog: www.diarist.net/guide/blogjournal.shtml

*Computer Research and Technology: www.crt.net.au/etopics/blogs.hm

* Kottke, Jason. "kottke.org: undesign" www.kottke.org .

* Mazur, Laura. "Web Sites Prove Design without Function is Futile." Marketing. 20 July 2000. P18.

*www.andrewsullivan.com [a news blog that covers A LOT]

*Want to have a blog read to you? www.jish.nu/vox

*Kim Reed's look at pop culture: fresh-hell.com



*slashdot.org [tech blog mainly]


*www.plastic.com [news blog]

*www.textism.com [interesting commentary blog]



Reading List Con't….

* Higgins, Jim. "Staying Afloat on Weblogs." JSOnline: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel www.jsonline.com 14 July 00. 15 Apr 02.

* Katz, Jon. "Here Comes The Weblogs." Slashdot.org. 24 May 01. 17 Apr. 02.

*Levinson, Melvin E. "Needed: A New Literacy." The Humanist. Vol. 54 Issue 3, (May/June 94): 3-7. EbscoHost. Accessed June 26, 2002.

*Lewis, Cynthia and Fabos, Bettina. "But will it work in the heartland? A response and illustration." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 43.5 (Feb 2000):462-470.

*"Looking Forward." Educause Review, Jan/Feb 2000, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p40, 4p.

*Manjoo, Farhad. "Blah, Blah, Blah, and Blog." Wired News. Feb. 18, 2002. Accessed May 20, 2002.

*Means, Barbara and Singh, Ram. "Technology and Education Reform." US Department of Education. Accessed May 20, 2002.

*Oravec, Jo Ann. "Bookmarking the World: Weblog Applications in Education." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, v45 i7 (April 2002) 616-22. InfoTrac.

* Powazek, Derek M. "What the Hell is a Weblog?" powazek productions. www.powazaek.com/wtf/ 17 Feb 00. 07 Apr 02.

* Sullivan, Andrew. "The Blogging Revolution." WIRED magazine. May 2002: 43-44.

* This is mikel.org. "On weblogging." www.mikel.org/blogging.html 22 May 00. 23 Apr 02.

* Walker, Leslie. "A Day-by-Day In the Life." Washingtonpost.com. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37168-2001May16.html 16 May 01. 23 Apr 02.

* Wang, Andy. "Online Digests Help Readers Cope With Information Avalanche." The New York Times [on the Web]. www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/08/biztech/articles/02link.html 02 Aug 99. 17 Apr 02.

Instructor Resources:

The Individual Instructors' Toolkits:

-Kevin Brooks

-Cindy Nichols

-Sybil Priebe (teaching weblog)

Other Valuable Information: