




Week 1


-Classes start @ 4pm


JAN 11

-Introduction to class, peers, syllabus

-[25] Assign Connection Letter (complete in class?)

-Listen to some punk lyrics while writing


JAN 13

-Read Letters out loud (pg. 6, #4 –connect to punk)

-[25] Design your CD/Book cover (due Monday)

-Chpt 1 & Chpt 30 Discussion

Week 2

JAN 16

-No Class (Martin Luther King Jr Day)


JAN 18

-Show off CD/Book covers in class

-Chpt 2 & 3 Discussion and Activity


JAN 20

-Chpt 4 Discussion -Write something for Monday


Week 3

JAN 23

-Chpt 5 Discussion

-Revise what you wrote alone or in groups


JAN 25

-Chpt 6 & 7 Discussion

-Edit what you wrote alone or in groups


JAN 27

-Chpt 8 Discussion

-[50] Hand in revised & edited writing

Week 4

JAN 30

-Personal Reflection (Chpt 10)

-[25] Audience/Online Journals



-Personal Narrative (Chpt 9)

-[25] Mini-Memoir



-Personal Description (Chpt 11)

-[25] Mini-Profile

Week 5


-Sign up for Conferences

-REVISION DAY (pages 72-72 - blue box) & Punk Survey!



-WORK DAY/Read Chpt 13 for Feb 17

-[No class – Instructor at conference]


FEB 10


-[No class – Instructor at conference]

Week 6


FEB 13

-Writing Conferences in my office (Haverty 223) (Sign up FEB 6)

FEB 14


FEB 15

-Writing Conferences in my office (Sign up FEB 6)


FEB 17


-Chpt 13 Discussion and Activity [25]/Presentations?

-Introduce Vocabulary part of syllabus

Week 7


FEB 20

-No Class (President’s Day)


FEB 22

-[25] Intro to Annotated Bibliographies (music topic) -Library field trip?


FEB 24

-WORK DAY for Annotated Bibs, etc.

-Read Chpts 14, 15 & 16 for Monday

Week 8


FEB 27

-Chpt 14, 15, & 16 Discussion

-WORK DAY/Writing Conferences in class?



-REVISION DAY (pages 72-72 – blue box)/WC in class?

-Sign up for Writing Conferences



-THIRD DEADLINE DAY/Presentations?

-Chpt 31 Discussion

Week 9


-Writing Conferences

-Study for Vocabulary Mid-Term



-Vocabulary Mid-Term/Writing Conferences

-Bring in lyrics to three fav songs for March 20



-FORTH DEADLINE DAY/Presentations?

Week 10


-No Class (Spring Break)



-No Class (Spring Break)



-No Class (Spring Break)

Week 11



-Poetry & Chpt 25

-Bring in lyrics to three favorite songs [25]



-Poetry Component



-[No class – Instructor at Online Training]

Week 12


-Watch Punk Documentary



-Finish Punk Documentary

-Chpt 17 Discussion



-Multi-Vocal, Multi-Genre

Week 13



-Other Genres not covered in the book




-Sign Up for Writing Conferences



-Out of class WORK DAY

-[No Class – Instructor at conference]

Week 14


-Writing Conferences in my office





-Writing Conferences in my office?



-No Class (Easter)

Week 15


-No Class (Easter)



-Movie Scripts/Fiction

-Vocabulary Activity [25]



-SIXTH DEADLINE DAY/Group Work out of class

-[No class – Instructor at conference]

Week 16








-WORK DAY for C2P2: Creative Class Punk Project

Week 17



-Work on C2P2: Submission of final project by class due to me via email on Wednesday, May 3




-Presentations of Group Papers



-[50] Vocabulary Final Exam


Week 18

Finals Week


-Hand out C2P2

-Discussion of class/Listen to punk music


MAY 10


MAY 11

MAY 12



“Peel me off this velcro seat and get me movin” [Longview, GreenDay]

                Instructor’s Name- Sybil Priebe

Instructor’s Email-

Instructor’s Website-                

Instructor’s Weblog-

Office- Haverty 223                           

Office Phone- (701) 671-2346        

Office Hours-        2-3 MWF & 2:30-3:30 TR (first 8 wks)

9-10 MTWRF (last 8 wks)

Note: *The above PUNK CHART is not set in stone. Updates will be in given in class and on the instructor’s teaching weblog. Attending class regularly will keep you up-to-date on assignment changes, due date changes, and other announcements.


“Eat your heart out on a plastic tray” [Problems, Sex Pistols]

For this type of English 110, punk rock roots have been set in place as the theme. The reason for a “Do It Yourself” class is simple—to allow students more freedom over what they learn and create in an English classroom. Punk rock, itself, has always been known to shout it’s feelings about the world, and this class will allow students to take back control over at least what they are learning if not feel more in control of who they are and where they are going. In that same vein, punk rock has always been about self-reliance (found in the “D.I.Y.” idea); that “it is possible for you to do whatever you want, however you want to do it” (*360). “Just like punks who form their own bands, write and produce their own music, and put on their own shows, so too can students form their own groups and work together to improve their writing. (*361)”

Text Box: Some might say we are made from the sharpest things 
you say 
We are
we don't care.
Your dreams
your hopeless hair.
We never wanted it 
to be this way.
all our lives.
Do you care 
{at all}?

[My Chemical Romance]

The class will consist of main assignments (chosen by the student) as well as other smaller assignments assigned and chosen by the instructor. Students will have much say over the majority of the larger projects and papers. The only points assigned by the instructor will be participation points and daily activities/assignment points. [*One, Optimism. “Punk Power in the First-Year Writing Classroom.” TETYC. 2005; 358-369.]


“And I am going after it/ I wanted everything” [I Wanted Everything, Ramones]

>Book- The College Writer, Houghton Mifflin, Copyright 2004,

ISBN: 0-618-40541-0

>An Email address (the school’s, Yahoo!, AOL, or Hotmail, etc)... you’ll be saving your documents to this account as added back-up (see end of syllabus for details)

>3.5” computer disk or USB storage device


“Better call, call the law/When you gonna turn yourself in? Yeah” [My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down, Ramones]

1.Punk Rock Rule: Respect each others’ writing, opinions, responses, and property.

2.Respect goes both ways. If you are talking, I will listen (as will the rest of the class). If I am talking, I’d like all of you to listen. When music is playing, we all listen.

3.Packing up your things before class time is over is disrespectful. Please wait until I dismiss the class or you’ll be forced to listen to Lawrence Welk. I’m serious.

4.Turn off cell phones unless they play punk rock.

5.Slang, swearing, and vernacular language are okay in essays and in class discussions as long as the words are used to express oneself and not put anyone down.

6.Other rule decided upon by class:

7.Other rule decided upon by class:


“But one thing they can’t teach you is how to feel free” [Schools Are Prisons, Sex Pistols]

>Attendance is crucial to understanding all of the course materials and to earning a passing grade.

>Students with excused absences (illness with a doctor’s note, school-sponsored activities, military duty, or family emergencies) have two weeks to make up missed assignments.

>If a student misses 5 class periods due to unexcused absences, 100 points will be deducted from his/her final points. If a student misses 7 class periods, 200 points will be deducted from his/her total points. If a student were to miss 9 or more class periods, he/she will receive an F for the course.


“My brain is hanging upside down/ I need something to slow me down” [My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down, Ramones]

Late work will not be accepted. If you are going to be gone on a deadline date that you chose, arrange to hand in the assignment earlier or talk to me about other arrangements. [If a band shows up late to gig, they lose the gig. Not cool.] Also, the excuse that your disk died or that you lost your USB in a mosh pit won’t work – see the end of the syllabus for details.


Text Box: Paper Requirements:
-3+ Typed Pages (5+ Typed for Group papers)
-One inch margins please
-12 point font(s)
-References, if any, must be cited in document w/Works Cited page
-Design of document is up to you (MLA, non-MLA, headers, images, etc), however, images don’t count towards length of paper
-Make sure I can find your name easily.

Presentation Requirements:
-10+ minutes in length (15+ for groups)
-Can use notes (no need to memorize)
-All people must talk (if it’s a group thing)
-If you want to give us a handout, that’s cool. If you want to have a discussion in a circle, that’s fine too. It’s up to you how you present your work to us.

All Other Requirements for the Assignment Choices are listed within their description. 
“It took the best years of my life/ And it made it so I couldn’t decide” [Schools Are Prisons, Sex Pistols]

Any student with disabilities or special needs, who requires special accommodations in this course, is invited to share concerns or requests with me as soon as possible.


“Problem problem/ Problem, the problems you/ What you gonna do” [Problems, Sex Pistols]

What kind of punk would take credit for someone else’s song or lyrics? Essentially, if any amount of plagiarism is found in a student’s paper (copying from the internet without quotations or parenthetical citations, copying parts or whole pages from another student, or any other sign of plagiarism), that student will be subject to disciplinary action which could result in no credit for the paper or a complete revision of the paper with a large reduction in points. If a student repeatedly plagiarizes, more severe actions will take place.


“Welcome to Paradise” [Green Day]

300 points = 3 Individual Papers and/or Projects [100 points each]

100 points = Group Paper

400 points = [25] Assignments/daily assignments and homework [25 pts each x 16]

(About 18 will be assigned; students get to drop the two lowest grades.) The Vocabulary Mid-Term and Final Exam are included in the [25] Assignments (as shown on the chart).

100 points = C2P2: Creative Class Punk Project           

                100 points = Participation (explained in detail below)



900-1000 pts = A

800-899 pts = B

700-799 pts = C

600-699 pts = D

599 and below = F


“Play that funky music white boy!” [Wild Cherry]


Papers and/or Projects chosen by student:


(1) students must choose 4 projects and/or papers to complete within the semester (out of the list below),

(2) 2 of those 4 projects and/or papers must be completed before Spring Break,

(3) 1 of the projects and/or papers must be a group project (2-3 people total), and

(4) papers must be at least 3 pages in length (group papers should exceed 5) and projects must be accompanied by at least a 10 minute demonstration or presentation (group demonstrations/presentations should exceed 15 minutes). Students will get 5 Bonus points for presenting a paper that doesn’t require a presentation (see Assignment Choice descriptions below to find out which ones qualify for bonus.)


Assignment Choices:

Music Paper & Project: Since the class is built on the theories of punk rock, it’s only appropriate to offer a paper which allows students to research their favorite genre. The project part of the assignment requires students to conduct a survey of at least 20+ students about the specific genre. [Works Cited page required.] [Presenation = Bonus.] [For ideas, scroll through this blog (click on the month of February under Archives):]

The “Stretch” Project: Stretch yourself into learning something. Have you always wanted to learn the history of a particular type of genre? Or have you wondered about what someone’s handwriting says about them? Maybe you are curious as to how the religion of Islam works? Perhaps, you’d like to stretch your brain into learning how to play the guitar, fiddle with Photoshop, or maneuver around in PowerPoint. This assignment allows you to create the topic you want to learn about and dive right in. [Works Cited page required.] [Presentation = Bonus.] [Examples of this project can be found at:,,]

The Multi-Genre Paper: Sick of boring formats for research papers? Want to break some rules of what a normal paper should look like and sound like? A multi-genre paper takes five or more genres (comic strips, poems, stories, reviews, descriptions, quotes, commentaries, letters, etc) and mixes them together using a topic or subject (i.e. “Who are You?”) as the connecting theme. This paper needs to be organized a little differently than ‘regular’ papers because the genre will cause a disruption in the flow. Nevertheless, this paper can be fun and challenging. [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this paper can be found at:]

The Multi-Vocal Essay: This essay would work well as a group essay since you need many voices, hence the “vocal” part of the title. Essentially, this works the same as the multi-genre paper in that there will be a different type of flow to the piece. Instead of multiple genres, students will connect multiple voices on the same topic. Groups of students in the past have picked a topic (the first year of college, things to do on/off campus, etc) and then gave their separate opinions/stories relating to that topic. Afterward the individual pieces are done, the group then cuts and pastes the essay together giving it some type of organization (based chronologically, for example). [Presentation = Required.] [An example of this type of essay can be found at:]

Web Site: Since we are in the day and age of “Hey, just go online to,” students could use this project to create a web site and then write up instructions (to be placed on the web site) as to how it was set up. The web site must also include 5 web pages with some sort of connecting content on them. If students take information or images from other sources, those sources should be listed on a separate, sixth web page with links. This project must include a visual presentation and demonstration of the completed web site. [Works Cited required.] [Presentation = Required.] [An example of this project can be found at:]

Movie/Documentary: This particular project may be too time-consuming for the ‘average’ student, but for those considering going into film or the arts, this project will be a miniature test of what is involved when creating a mini-movie or mini-documentary. This project may be done in groups of up to three people, if necessary. The topic is of the student’s choice, of course, and the project must include a premiere of the movie or documentary in class. The final product should be between 10-30 minutes. [Music videos also fall under this category.] The instructor recommends using iMovie (found on Macintosh) to edit and create the final product. [Presentation = Required.] [An example of this project will be shown in class, hopefully.]

Text Box: Dear mother, can you hear me whining
It’s been three whole weeks since I have left your home
This sudden fear has left me trembling
‘Cause now it seems that I am out here on my own
And I’m feeling so alone

Pay attention to the cracked streets and the broken homes 
Some call it slums and some call it nice 
I want to take you through the waste land 
That I like to call my home 
Welcome to paradise 

A gunshot rings out at the station 
Another urchin snaps and left dead on his own 
It makes me wonder why I'm still here 
For some strange reasons it's now feeling like my home 
And I'm never gonna go 

Dear mother, can you hear me laughing 
It's been six whole months since I have left your home 
It makes me wonder why I'm still here 
For some strange reason it's now feeling like my home 
And I'm never gonna go

[Welcome to Paradise, Green Day]
An Essay Using Alternative Style: There are many, many choices that fall within this category. The instructor will allow anyone to view the book where the ideas for this category came from. Essentially, it’s an extension of the Multi-Genre Paper & Multi-Vocal Essay. [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this type of writing will be handed out in class or linked to through my teaching weblog.]

“Open Option” Paper: This paper essentially allows students a open option – endless topic & genre possiblities (narrative, descriptive, definition, etc). Before completing this paper, write up a proposal as to what you would like to do with the open option to the instructor three weeks before the deadline you’ve chosen. [Works Cited page may be required.] [Presentation = Bonus.]

PowerPoint Essay: This type of project is an essay or paper in a more visual format. Students can use photos and images to add meaning to their essay. Students will place their paper (1-2 pages in length) in a PowerPoint document and add images, music/sound, and movement. [Presentation = Required.] [An example of this essay will be shown in class.]

“Survey Says!” Project: This project asks students to survey 20-30 people about the same topic (not music-related, that’s the first choice above). Students will then write up a report about their findings. Students should also use charts and graphs to show off their statistics. This project is excellent for anyone going into a science/math related field. [Presentation = Bonus.]

A Work of Fiction: Like to write stories? Then, this is the choice for you. Remember- fiction isn’t fact. [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this type of writing can be found at: (click on underlined words to continue the story in different paths)]

Narrative Interview Paper: Pick a topic -> Create ten questions about that topic -> Create a hypothesis about how the interviewees will respond -> Interview five family members or friends -> Write up a narration of what you discovered- Was your hypothesis correct? [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this paper will be handed out in class or linked to through my teaching weblog.]

A Literary Analysis Paper: If you are kind of a gossip queen or you like to tear apart what people mean when they say certain things, then this may be a paper for you to try out. Basically, read whatever you’d like (a punk book, a novel, a biography of your favorite rock star, etc) and then analyze it. Be critical. Be a punk. [Works Cited page required.] [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this paper will be handed out in class or linked to online through my teaching weblog.]

Commentary/Opinion Paper: Got an opinion? Vent it. Get it out. Then organize the “ventings.” Add research from others to back yourself up (3 sources).  Revise thoughts and venting. Edit. [Works Cited page required.] [Presentation = Bonus.] [An example of this paper will be handed out in class or linked to online through my teaching weblog (George Carlin). For additional ideas, check out]

Photo Essay: Buy a disposable camera -> take photos of your day-to-day activities -> write up narrative and/or descriptive entries for each photo (at least 10) with a connecting theme such as: “A Day in the Life of _______,” or “Me at 11:11am and 11:11pm for Five Days,” etc. [Presentation = Required.] [An example of this essay will be shown in class or linked to online through my teaching weblog.]


[25] Assignments:

This category deals with daily work in and out of class. These assignments follow the late work rule as detailed above. As far as vocabulary goes- In order to expand everyone’s vocabulary and spelling skills, you will, as a class, assign words daily to learn. These words can be words that are difficult to spell, difficult to pronounce, or just easily confused with other words (ex – defiantly vs. definitely). A mid-term and a final will be given on the words you decide to learn on a daily basis. These can be punk words; that’s alright by me. It’s a punk-based class afterall!


C2P2: Creative Class Punk Project:

Students will design and create the class’s final project. Students will have total say over the design of the project (will it be a booklet, a newsletter, a brochure?), and students will have to submit to the project as well as participate in the creation of it. This includes editing each other’s work for publication. This class project should include a submission from each person in class; therefore, the length will be determined by amount of students and length of each student’s submission.



Students who show up on each and every WORK DAY and REVISION DAY (as shown on the PUNK CHART) and work on their projects as well as use REVISION DAYS for revising in groups (having others read their work and give them feedback – vice versa), will receive the full 100 points allotted to this category. *Students must do more than just come to class to receive these points. Duh.


“We don’t need no education” [Pink Floyd]

I will comment on the following areas in your papers/writing assignments. They provide an outline for you to look at and use when writing:


Material- Is the material well-chosen for the particular situation, audience, and purpose?
A.Generalizations backed up with specific supporting detail.
B.All points adequately covered, with no unnecessary material.
C.Accurate information (research genre)
D.All points logically presented and supported.
E.Material free of contradications.

Text Box: We don't need no education 
We don't need no thought control 
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 
Teachers leave the kids alone 
Hey teacher leave us kids alone 
All in all it's just another brick in the wall 
All in all you're just another brick in the wall 

We don't need no education 
We don't need no thought control 
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 
Teachers leave the kids alone 
Hey teacher leave us kids alone 
All in all you're just another brick in the wall 
All in all you're just another brick in the wall

-“Another Brick In The Wall” Pink Floyd
Organization- Is the material well organized for the particular situation? Does the format support the organization?
A.Clear, logical overall structure, signal (where appropriate) by headings, etc.
B.Clear, logical paragraph structure.
C.Smooth transitions.
D.Appropriate introduction and conclusion.
E.Well-placed material (for logical, psychological effect, and emphasis).

Style- Is the style appropriate for the situation, audience, and the writer's ethos?
A.Clarity- Are any of the sentences confusing?
B.Emphasis- Can the reader find your main points?
C.Tone- Is it serious? Humorous? Can the reader tell?
D.Diction: Appropriate, avoids cliches and unnecessary jargon.
E.Sentence Structure: Avoids monotony or an over complex style.

Mechanics- meets at least a general standard

for mechanical correctness (one error per 100 words).
A.Grammar- Did you use the correct subject-verb agreement?
B.Spelling- Did you use definitely and defiantly correctly, for example?
C.Punctuation- Have you used semi-colons correctly? Does each sentence have a punctuation mark at the end?


“Your number’s been purged from our central computer” [Dead Kennedys]

In order to back-up your work, you should save the document to a disk and send it to your email account. This ensures that it won’t get lost. To save a document to your email inbox, simply:

·         Save the document to the desktop of the computer you are working on.

·         Open up Internet Explorer (or Netscape, etc) and go to your email account.

·         Compose a new email addressed to yourself.

·         Click on “Attach” and attach your file/document/image, etc.

·         Find your way back to the original email, and click Send.

·         After a few moments have passed, go to your Inbox to make sure the document is there before you delete it from the desktop of the computer.

Rarely does an email provider like Hotmail or Yahoo lose documents, so this will take care of the excuse that your disk, etc has busted and your work has vanished. That excuse won’t be necessary to use in this class. *If you feel unsure about just sending the document to yourself, send it to a friend as well. *If Hotmail is unable to download your docuemnt, set up an account with Yahoo. I haven’t had difficulties downloading documents from my email account for years. *Watch out when you use a Macintosh/Apple and then use a IBM product – sometimes the documents don’t translate well if at all.


Definition of Letter Grades:

 A- Outstanding Work. Shows a superior completion of assignment. Provides excellent selection of content, organization, and wording of material to fit the rhetorical needs of the particular situation. Uses a style that is fluent and coherent. Has few if any mechanical errors. Shows clear understanding of readings, insight, perceptiveness, orginality, and thought.
B- Good Work. Significantly above level necessary to meet course requirements. Has a thorough, well-organized analysis of the assignment. Shows judgment and tact in presentation of material appropriate for the intended audience and purpose. Supports ideas well with concrete details. Has an interesting, precise, and clear style. Is free of major mechanical errors. Strong, interesting work, although minor problems remain.
C- Meets all basic requirements of the course and assignments. Provides a satisfactory analysis of the writing task, subject, and audience. Accomplishes its purpose with adequate content and detail. Uses detail, organization, and expression appropriate for the rhetorical context. Has acceptable mechanics. Nothing remarkably good or bad about the work.
D- Meets the assignment, but is weak in one of the major areas (content, organization, style, mechanics) or offers a routine, inadequate treatment. Shows generally substandard work with some redeeming features.
F- Unacceptable Work in one or more of the major areas. Fails to meet one or more of the basic requirements of the course or the assignment. May fail to cover essential points, or may digress to nonessential material. May lack development, organization, show poor tone, or simply may be unclear quite often.


Seth Kahn-Egan’s “principles of ‘punk’”: 1) The Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y.) ethic, which demands that we do our own work because anybody who would do our work for us is only trying to jerk us around; 2) A sense of anger and passion that finally drives a writer to say what’s really on his/her mind; 3) A sense of destructiveness that calls for attacking institutions when those institutions are oppressive, or even dislikable; 4) A willingness to endure or even pursue pain to make oneself heard or noticed; 5) A pursuit of the “pleasure principle,” a reveling in some kind of *Nietzschean chasm. [*For existentialism, human beings can be understood only from the inside, in terms of their lived and experienced reality and dilemmas, not from the outside, in terms of a biological, psychological, or other scientific theory of human nature. It emphasizes action, freedom, and decision as fundamental to human existence.]