syllabus: assignment descriptions/ general education outcomes.

Assignment/Paper/Project Descriptions:

Blogging- Every week, I would like you to blog on the class blog. You will use the class blog to talk about controversial topics for papers, readings we have read in class, class discussions, questions on what to do with papers, comments on how the class is going, etc. I would appreciate everyone keeping personal comments to a minimum- Start your very own person blog for that type of commentary. (10 weeks x 5pts= 50 points possible)

Writing Assignment #1: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Bring in a piece of everyday writing: Grocery list, Notes for a class, a "to do" list, an e-mail, a message on a card, a reminder to a roommate, etc. Be ready to share it in class.

Writing Assignment #2: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ "They" say "Write about what you know." So, write about whatever you want, but write about something you know. If you are almost an expert on relationship advice, write about that. If you know about feeding cows or duck hunting or painting toenails, write about that. Using myself as an example, I would write about playing tennis (a particular match that pushed me to my limits) and not about duck hunting. Be ready to share in class.

Writing Assignment #3: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Write an imaginary letter to your parents with the topic of college life, and then write a letter with that same topic to some other audience of your choice (a sibling, a friend, etc). Be ready to share what you had to change with each audience. Be ready to read them in class. [Use exercises on pages 134-5 for help.]

Writing Assignment #4: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Write up a list of at least 5 memories that you could write about in great detail for a larger paper. Be ready to work with that list in class.

Writing Assignment #5: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Go online and type in the word "weblog" into a Yahoo! or Google search. Read some thoroughly and print off a weblog that interests you. Be ready to share your findings in class.

Writing Assignment #6: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Bring in a list of at least 5 people (famous or not, dead or alive) that you find interesting.

Writing Assignment #7: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ On class weblog, write your "Top Ten" list for things you want to know more about. Your major? Why mosquitos are attracted to certain objects? Why most first-year English classes here in the U.S. are composition based?

Writing Assignment #8: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ Research one of the "Top Ten" things you listed. Find someone, an author/journalist/another student/weblogger, that informs you in an article or essay or book more on that subject. Bring it into class and share what you found.

Writing Assignment #9: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ TBA.

Writing Assignment #10: *Minute Paper: Should not be longer than two pages. 25 pts.
∑ TBA.

Paper #1:100 points.
∑ Assigned Aug.26. Due Sept.25.
∑ A Narrative Paper. Length: 5-7 pages. Open Topic: a start to a Memoir (help on pages 167-181), a Profile (help on pages 242-255), or something using Everyday Writing or Commentary on your daily life?, etc. (Get topic OKay'D by me before conferences for Paper #1). MLA format.

Paper #2:100 points.
∑ Assigned Sept.25. Due Oct.30.
∑ The Infamous "Stretch Project:" A Research Paper on something that YOU want to (stretch you brain into) know/learn more about (schizophrenia, the NDSU parking problem, possible jobs in your major, graduate schools for your major, how bad/good fast food is for us, etc.). The format for these "Stretch Projects" can take on the form of the following: a Review (of music? a TV show?) or a Commentary, etc. ** This project could also simply stretch you into learning a new tool: web page design, Adobe Photoshop, iMovie, etc. Length: 5-7 pages. Non-MLA format is allowed (basically, you can really be creative with this one!).

Paper #3:100 points.
∑ Assigned Oct.30. Due Nov.26.
There are Three Options for this paper: 1) Answer the question "Who Are You?" 2) Answer the question "Does Media Influence Our Society or Vice Versa?" OR 3) A topic that deal with Flowers for Algernon (Analysis or Commentary using the book as the main source for background information). Length: 4-6 pages. MLA format.

Final Presentations: 100 points.
∑ Assigned Nov.11. Given Dec.4. through Dec.11.
A Choice of Three Projects to tackle (Pick ONE): 1) A group project where you and 2-3 other students create a "fake" business using what you know about yourselves (creating a business that you would want to work at) and what you know about the world (what would be profitable and why?). (required: a logo, motto, business letterheads, expenses and profits sheet, etc) [creating a visual of the building OR a commercial is extra points]. 2A) An individual project where you research a country you know nothing about (find out about people there, the colleges, the entertainment, etc) (required: creating a handout for the entire class) [creating a visual of the country is extra points] or 2B)an individual project where you plan a "fake" trip around the world (two restrictions: you have one month and $15,000) and tell us where you would go and why and what you would see/do there (required: a handout of a map showing us where you'd go along with expenses) [creating a traveling journal is extra points].

*With these Final Presentations, you'll have to do just that. No need to write up a paper in addition to the requirements above although you may want to have notes written up. Just present your findings to the class in a 15-20 minute presentation during the last three days of class.

Final In-Class Essay:50 points.
∑ Assigned Dec.11. Due Dec.11.
TBA on that day.


hierarchy of work.

It is mandatory for you to hand in the 3 Papers/ Final Presentation in order to pass this course. The Writing Assignments and Blogging are not mandatory but their collective points are important in receiving a good grade.

Some Blogging points may be used as Pop Quizzes if people are not reading assigned material.

Writing Assignments CAN NOT BE handed in late!


general ed. outcomes.

General Education Outcomes and Course Objectives
English 110, Composition I, has been approved for the Communications category in general education in the North Dakota University System. Students in this course will be asked to meet two General Education Outcomes:
ÿ Students should learn to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and genres (GE Outcome #1). English 110 will emphasize the transition from reading and writing everyday and high school genres to university genres. In order to achieve this outcome, students will
1. read a variety of genres of writing that have been produced for various audiences (especially genres that are used in everyday life and in academic settings) and develop an understanding of generic conventions within the context of audience and purpose.
2. write in a variety of genres for various audiences and purposes (e.g. writing for family and friends, writing for peers, writing for instructors, writing for a more general academic audience)
3. practice effective and efficient writing strategies, including generating, developing, and focusing ideas, sharing drafts of writing with peers and the instructor, revising and editing for clarity, consistency, and correctness.
Students should also understand that effective communication can only be defined within the context and situation of reading and writing tasks.
ÿ Students should learn to integrate knowledge and ideas in a coherent and meaningful manner (GE Outcome #6). English 110 will emphasize doing library and web research, and then successfully integrating that research into one’s own writing, as an important part of learning and communicating in university courses. In order to achieve this outcome, students will:
1. respond to others’ writing by identifying the ideas, motives, and effects writers employ (including thesis statements, claims, and evidence when appropriate)
2. locate basic library and online resources and incorporate information from those resources into their own writing, documenting them appropriately for their audience and situation
The English department content goal for this course.
ÿ Students should come to understand that literacy is a complex social-cognitive act. Reading and writing are not only fundamental skills for success in school and life, but they are skills that are flexible, varied, and require life-long practice and development. In order to achieve this content goal, students will be asked to:
1. Reflect on, and in some cases do research on, the meaning of "literacy."
2. Reflect on the work they have done in the course as a means of reflecting on their development of increasingly specialized and sophisticated literacy skills.




Breakdown of Points:

Paper #1: 100 points

Paper #2: 100 points

Paper #3: 100 points

WAs: 10x 25 pts each = 250 points

Class Blog Entries: 15x 20 pts each =300 points

Final Presentations: 100 points

Final In-Class Essay: 50 points

Total Points: 1000