8 a.m. Tentative Class Schedule:
Jan. 13: Introductions.
Introduce the class, me, your peers, the book, the syllabus and weblogs. Possible
quiz and survey. Read George Carlin's stuff. Daily Assignment (DA#1) assigned
as well as Scavenger Hunt. Read Chpt 3 for Thursday.
Jan. 15: Our Class Controversies.
Share DA#1 in class. Create a list on board of controversial issues/controversial
classrooms/controversial ways of teaching/ways of writing. Conduct revision
activity (AS book & cut up poetry). Introduce Paper #1. Create rubric and
brainstorm. Read Chpt 16. Rough draft of Paper #1 due next Thursday!
Jan. 20: Scavenger Hunt In Computer Lab.
Class devoted to Paper #1 Research/Scavenger Hunt. Scavenger Hunt findings due
at end of class. DA#2 assigned. Read Chpt 18 for Thursday.
Jan. 22: Get Voted Out of the Classroom?
Use DA#2 for Parenthetical Citation/Works Cited Activity. Discuss Chapter 18.
Have a rough draft for class= Hold our first peer revision in class. DA#3 due.
Read 560-579/Chpt 9/11 for Feb.3.
Jan. 27: No Class- 10 Min. Writing Conferences.
Sign up Thursday, Jan. 22 for Writing Conferences with me. Be sure to bring
another revised rough draft with you.
Jan. 29: No Class. Paper #1 draft Due Jan. 31 by 5pm.
Go to class blog or my teaching blog to get online readings and assignment for
Feb. 3: Group Chapter Presentations
Class will get into groups and present on 560-579/Chpt 9/11. Intro. to Group
Presentations: they start next Tuesday. Time to work in groups for next week's
presentations. Read ? for Thursday.
Feb. 5: A Fear Factor Audience Lesson.
List controversies in music. Talk about Paper #2. I'll bring in examples. Create
rubric. Give some time at end of class for research online or at the library.
First rough draft due March 4.
Feb. 10: Student Presentation/Debate: Please be considerate throughout all student presentations!
Feb. 12: Student Presentation/Debate.
Feb. 17: Student Presentation/Debate.
Feb. 19: Student Presentation/Debate.
Feb. 24: Student Presentation/Debate.
*Show comedians?
Feb. 26: Student Presentation/Debate.
*Show some reality t.v.?
Read handout (of Chapter 9 of EAA?) for Tuesday's discussion on Paper #3.
March 2: Intro. Paper #3 and Defintion Topics.
March 4: My Controversial Topic Day: Race.
*Show comedians?
Peer Review/Revision Day.
Bring in a rough draft of Paper #2 to be looked at by 3-4 peers.
Read Chpt 8/10 for March 23.
March 9: No Class- Writing Conferences for Paper #2.
Sign up March 4 for Writing Conferences with me. Be sure to bring another revised
rough draft with you!
March 11: No Class. Paper #2 Due by 5pm.
Have a Relaxing Spring Break!
March 16: Spring Break. No Class.
March 18: Spring Break. No Class.
March 23: Introduction to Paper #4/ Group Brainstorming and examples of papers.
Begin to read The Giver.
March 25: The Giver Discussion.
March 30: TBA.
April 1: Peer Review.
April 6: Writing Conferences. No Class.
April 8: Paper #3 due. No Class. Blog.
April 13: Begin in-class Group Work for Utopia Project.
April 15: Group Work in Computer Lab?
April 20: Group Work in Computer Lab?
April 22: Portfolio due!
Group Work Day outside of class.
April 27: Utopia Presentations.
April 29: Utopia Presentations.
May 4: Utopia Presentations.
Class Evaluations to fill out.
May 6: Utopia Presentations.
Final In-Class Essay. Handback Portfolios.