Assignment/Paper/Project Descriptions:
Constant/On-Going Assignments:
∑ Blogging- Every week, I would like you to blog.
You choose how personal you get in your content matter. You will also
use your blog to brainstorm, draft, think through your papers and essays
for class. Peer feedback can take place through blogs too.
∑ In-Class/Out-of-Class Freewriting- Will be
started using prompts. Attending class will keep you updated on when
these are assigned and due.
Writing Assignment #1: *Minute Paper.
∑ Assigned Aug. 27. Due Aug. 29.
∑ Compare and contrast your use of technology with the uses of
one of your parents. What do you think is significant about the similarities
or differences? OR answer: "What are you doing here? College, NDSU,
this class?
Writing Assignment #2: *Minute Paper.
∑ Assigned Sept. 9. Due Sept. 12.
∑ Summarize and Describe your reading/writing/summarizing strategies.
What have you written in the past? What have you read? How has technology
played a part in those two activities? What do you read/write now on
a daily basis? Is it for entertainment or information (focusing on reading
mainly)? Where are you lacking? How can that be helped?
Paper #1: 6-9 pages.
∑ Assigned Sept. 5. Due Oct. 3.
∑ Reflecting on the usefulness of blogging. Did it further brainstorming?
Did it aid in clarifying the material being read and discussed in class?
Did it foster collaboration? Did it inhibit writing and thinking because
of the public nature of the writing?
Informal Presentation of Articles and/or Blogs:
∑ Assigned Oct. 10. Present on Oct. 15/17.
∑ Find articles via the internet that are NOT on our list that
pertain to what we are discussing in class or that relates to what we
are discussing. Bring it to class and present it informally. Let us
know what it is about, and how it is useful to us. You will hand in
the article/blog to me with a summary, what you thought about it, and
how it is useful.
Presentation on Stretch Project:
∑ Assigned Oct. 10. Mid-Present on Oct. 29. Final Present Nov.
∑ Basically tell us, the class, what you (or your group) did your
stretch project on.
#2: 5-7pages. [3-4 pages single spaced]
∑ Assigned Oct. 10. Due Nov. 7.
∑ Why did you pick the tools that went into your toolkit? What
did you use for your "stretch project" and why? What did you
learn from doing your "stretch project"? How did you use the
tools (if you did a simple research project- how did you research?)?
What did you learn from doing your "stretch project"? How
will you use it in the future?
#3: 6-9 pages. [3-5 pages single spaced]
∑ Assigned Nov. 7. Due Nov. 27.
∑ "Who are You?". Your Self in the Information Age.
Main contents should include, but are not limited to: How blogging has
impacted you? How has this campus impacted you? How has this class and/or
using the internet, in general, affected you?
Writing Assignment #3: *Minute Paper.
∑ Assigned Nov. 14. Due Nov. 19.
∑ TBA.
Assignment #4(a.k.a. Final Essay):
∑ Assigned Nov. 21. Due Dec. 13 by noon.
∑ Portfolio: Revise, edit, and proofread the 3 essays. Then format
them for publication on a web site.
∑ WA#4: Reflect on what you gained from this course/ set goals
for English 120 and beyond. Presentation of Portfolio: Dec. 12 during
class time.
*More Elaboration on Assignments* can be found
by clicking the assignment above.